Mai Hiền (Meizhin)'s profile


Club Fair Poster | by Meizhin 
Club Fair is an annual event where all the clubs at the Foreign Trade University come together to showcase their activities and attract new members. In the poster for this event, I chose to incorporate all the distinctive elements of the club: vibrancy, cuteness, and, of course, the characteristic elements of Japanese culture. 

In the bottom right corner of the poster, a girl character symbolizes new students who are curious about the FTU Japanese Club. She is depicted engrossed in a book, representing the gateway to a world of language and culture. The book acts as a catalyst for exploration, igniting a sense of wonder and the desire to learn. Adding a touch of whimsy, a paper airplane soars above her, carrying with it dreams, hopes, and aspirations of those who wish to join the club's journey.

The dominant colors of the poster are warm and vibrant, aiming to captivate attention and evoke a sense of enthusiasm. The striking red color, reminiscent of the traditional "Happi" jackets, represents the club members and their unity. It symbolizes their dedication and passion for the FTU Japanese Club, creating a visual focal point that draws the viewer's gaze.

To further emphasize the club's connection to Japanese culture, several iconic elements are incorporated into the design. The FJC flag waves proudly, signifying the club's identity and unity. The torii gate, a traditional Japanese gate, signifies a passage into a realm of cultural exploration. Daruma doll, known for their resilience and determination, represent the club members' commitment to growth and self-improvement. Japanese dog and cat, known as lucky charms, bring an element of charm and playfulness. Koi fish lanterns add a touch of mystique, symbolizing perseverance and transformation.

In the background, shining stars create a sparkling and luminous ambiance, evoking a dreamy atmosphere. They symbolize the potential and opportunities that await new members in the FTU Japanese Club. The interplay of colors, imagery, and elements creates a visually captivating composition that embodies the club's essence and invites prospective members to join in the excitement and discovery.

